Dr. Raindi Gonzalez in Laboratory


Dr. González is highly intelligent, analytical, and focused. She approaches her work with unwavering dedication and a deep passion for scientific discovery. While she may appear reserved or introverted, she has a profound enthusiasm for her field of study.
She is an expert in a wide range of scientific disciplines, including physics, biology, genetics, and remote sensing technologies. Her knowledge of physics allows her to delve into the fundamental laws governing the universe. She excels in using advanced technology, such as remote sensing, to detect and analyze unusual geological and biological phenomena. Her expertise spans the mysteries of the Earth and the cosmos.
Major Alex "Rottweiler" Baptist


Alex Baptist has an extensive military background, initially serving as a Green Beret in the Army, where he acquired expertise in unconventional warfare, special operations, and guerrilla tactics. Afterward, he transitioned into the Air Force and trained as a pilot for various aircraft, including F-15, F-18, and F-22 fighter jets, as well as helicopters. This combination of ground combat and aviation skills makes him a versatile and highly adaptable asset to Shield 51.
“Rottweiler” is renowned for his mastery of all kinds of combat, martial arts, and weapons. His combat skills are unparalleled, and he can handle a variety of combat scenarios with finesse and precision.
Sir Elliot Millers


As the director of MI6, Sir Elliot is an expert in the field of intelligence and espionage. He has a keen understanding of global security issues and is well-versed in matters of national and international importance.
Sir Elliot Millers serves as a representative of the United Kingdom and MI6 within Shield 51. He works closely with other intelligence agencies and high-ranking officials from various nations to coordinate efforts in response to the mysterious cosmic signal and potential extraterrestrial threat.
Natalie Stevens


As General Turner’s assistant, Natalie excels in managing schedules, coordinating meetings, and handling important correspondence. She’s adept at multitasking and ensuring that the general’s day-to-day operations run smoothly.
Natalie is the backbone of the administrative and logistical side of Shield 51. She ensures that information flows seamlessly between team members, meetings are well-organized, and crucial tasks are completed efficiently.
Age: 31
Physical Appearance: Natalie is an elegant and well-dressed woman with a professional appearance. She has long brown hair and green eyes that convey intelligence and determination. Her attire is typically business formal, reflecting her role as General Turner’s right-hand assistant.
Background: Natalie’s background includes a degree in business administration and a previous role as an executive assistant in a major corporation. She joined Shield 51 to contribute her organizational skills and play a crucial part in the fight against potential extraterrestrial threats.
Dr. Muki


Dr. Muki is a middle-aged woman with a strong, confident presence. She has short black hair and wears glasses that give her an air of authority. Her attire is usually professional and showcases her commitment to her work.
She is a leading scientist in Japan’s space agency and has a background in astrophysics and space exploration. Her work focuses on the practical aspects of developing spacecraft and technology for lunar and Martian colonization. She is respected worldwide for her contributions to the field.
Natalie Stevens

Natalie Stevens

Character Profile: Natalie Stevens

Full Name: Natalie Stevens

Age: 31

Background: Natalie Stevens serves as the personal assistant to General Michael Turner and plays a key role in the operations of Shield 51.

Physical Appearance: Natalie is an elegant and well-dressed woman with a professional appearance. She has long brown hair and green eyes that convey intelligence and determination. Her attire is typically business formal, reflecting her role as General Turner’s right-hand assistant.

Personality: Natalie is highly organized, efficient, and possesses excellent attention to detail. She is dedicated and loyal to General Turner, displaying unwavering commitment to her duties. Her demeanor is usually composed and calm, which helps maintain order in the chaotic environment of the secret facility.

Administrative Skills: As General Turner’s personal assistant, Natalie excels in managing schedules, coordinating meetings, and handling important correspondence. She’s adept at multitasking and ensuring that the general’s day-to-day operations run smoothly.

Problem-Solving Abilities: Natalie is quick to think on her feet and is often relied upon to solve unexpected challenges or crises that arise within Shield 51. Her resourcefulness and ability to find solutions under pressure prove invaluable.

Interpersonal Relationships: Although she primarily maintains a professional relationship with her colleagues, Natalie’s caring nature and supportive attitude occasionally shine through. She is known for checking in on her coworkers’ well-being, fostering a sense of unity and camaraderie.

Background: Natalie’s background includes a degree in business administration and a previous role as an executive assistant in a major corporation. She joined Shield 51 to contribute her organizational skills and play a crucial part in the fight against potential extraterrestrial threats.

Challenges: Natalie’s unyielding dedication to her work can sometimes lead to neglecting her personal life and well-being. She struggles to find a balance between her intense work schedule and time for herself and her family.

Role in the Story: As General Turner’s right-hand assistant, Natalie is the backbone of the administrative and logistical side of Shield 51. She ensures that information flows seamlessly between team members, meetings are well-organized, and crucial tasks are completed efficiently. Her character reflects the essential support staff required to maintain a high-stakes operation.


Plasma Weapons

Plasma weapons are the real deal! These use plasma, or superheated ionized gas, as a projectile.

Plasma weapons work by generating a stream of plasma and firing it at a target. The plasma is often contained in a magnetic field, which helps to stabilize it and keep it from dissipating before it reaches its target. The plasma is also usually highly charged, which allows it to deliver a powerful electrical shock to its target.

They can also cause significant damage to electronic systems and other sensitive equipment.

It is important to note that plasma weapons do not currently exist in the real world. They are purely fictional, right?

The amount of damage they inflict has no rival. Common Shields and Armors are melted like butter.

The problem with Plasma weapons is that because of the extreme temperature generated by the plasma, it is impossible to fire multiple shots without risking total degradation of the weapon. So Once they shoot it takes some time to be ready to shoot again. The bigger the weapon the longer it takes to cool down.